Tree Pruning / Tree Trimming
All of our tree pruning is performed by our ISA Certified Arborist, and only performed using techniques approved by ANSI and OSHA. There are several different types of tree pruning, each achieves a different result.
Canopy CleaningPruning to remove one or more of the following non-beneficial parts: dead, diseased and/or broken branches.
Our Arborist will suggest one of the following specifications for a canopy cleaning. Class 2 Prune - This will remove all dead wood with a diameter of 2" or greater at the branch collar. This is recommended in urban environments where there is heavy traffic under the canopy. Dead limbs of this size can cause injuries, and property damage. Class 3 Prune - This will remove all dead wood with a diameter of 3" or greater at the branch collar. This is recommended in situations where there are larger, dead limbs that pose a hazard to people or property. Canopy ElevationPruning to provide vertical clearance.
When performing a canopy elevation, our Arborist will use a technique called directional pruning. Using this technique, a desired height is reached by pruning away any branches that grow downward, below the desired height. All limbs that grow horizontally or extend upward, above the desired height will remain. This is an effective, and esthetically pleasing method of Canopy Elevation. |
Canopy ThinningSelective pruning to reduce density of live branches.
Our Arborist will discuss options when it comes to canopy thinning, as special attention must be paid to the amount of green foliage to be removed. Thinning a tree's canopy properly can allow more sunlight and wind to penetrate the canopy, creating a healthier canopy, and one that can better withstand strong winds and storms. Thinning a tree incorrectly can cause the tree stress, and can even cause decline or death. Things like rubbing / crossing limbs, or redundant branches will be addressed when thinning a canopy. Structural PruningPruning to correct structural issues in the canopy of the tree.
Our Arborist will discuss options for structural pruning when dealing with co-dominant trunks, or other issues relating to the structure of the tree today, or in the future. Structural pruning is best when performed while the tree is still young. Though structural pruning often leaves the tree looking a little awkward at first, when performed properly, the canopy will become much healthier and safer. |
Canopy ReductionPruning to decrease height and/or spread (branch or crown).
This is not the same as Tree Topping, which is a very unhealthy, unsafe, and unapproved method of tree pruning, where the height of the tree is reduced by cutting the the top of the tree off completely at a desired height. Canopy reduction is a way to reduce either the hide or spread of the canopy by cutting the branches back to a lateral limb that is large enough to take over. This type of tree care is suggested in instances where the canopy can not be allowed to reach full height, or spread, such as power and utility line clearance. Contact us today to set up an appointment with our Arborist, to see which tree services are right for your trees. We offer routine maintenance packages that will fit your budget.
or call us
(207)717-6812 |